Beware September and ... (2024)


I personally do not advocate any process or procedure contained in any of my Blogs. Information presented here is not intended to provide legal or lawful advice, nor medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevent any disease. Views expressed are for educational purposes only.

Psychological manipulation

Is the arrest in France of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov to frighten people into silence, which is consent to advance one world governance, keeps people cycling in fear’s dark, dense energy that blocks reasoning, critical thinking and man’s ability to influence a greater reality?

Telegram Founder Charged With 12 Counts

Beware September and ... (1)

Ask yourself

Did petitioning free Julian Assange? No.
Did petitioning free Reiner Fuellmich? No.
Did petitioning free the ‘Coutts Four?’ No.
Did petitioning free Isle of Man political prisoner Courtenay Adam Lawrence? No.
The list is long.

My Reply to Interest of Justice

There is no rule of law b/c the planet is under military martial rule. Maxim of law: Amidst arms laws are silent. In other words, the only law is what the occupier's choose and they have enforcement capabilities. There is no law enforcement for the people by agencies regulated by government complicit in the occupation, so why do people keep voting for more betrayal and tyranny?

Interest of Justice Author replied “Sadly you are correct!”

Early September; disturbing signs in many markets

By Martin Armstrong
Aug 25.24

Be mindful that we may see even gold make a high as we head into the first week of September. There appears to be disturbing signs in many markets as we head into the week of September 2nd. We have governments realizing they are losing power, and as they do, they will get NASTY, to put it mildly. The American Neocons (The Rise of the Neocons) are in a desperate position. Now that RFK joined with Trump because they are both anti-war, I fear they are going to get desperate. The Democrats have already torched America by flooding the country with illegals to vote for them against Americans, and they denied the American people any right to even vote for a candidate of their choice.

Beware September and ... (2)

This will be the last election for the US and will most likely split in the year ahead before 2028. I fear that people will either still attempt to kill Trump, perhaps attributing it to bird flu or monkeypox. If they cannot pull that off, they will start World War III ASAP to try to trap Trump and RFK into war. They do not care about anything but their own power.

For our European clients, you should begin to move assets out of Europe, and that is for the EU and Britain. They will eventually turn to capital control to prevent capital from moving to retain power. This is how all governments respond when they are in their death throes.

We are in a world war

If the ultimate plan of dark entities is to own and control all natural resources, wealth, and humans transformed into cyborgs controlled by technology with no freewill to choose, why trigger a conventional world war that destroys the planet, infrastructures, and reduces plunder?

We are already in a world war, a war on consciousness enveloping all creation and only power to transform man’s freewill choices into perceived physical reality.

Unless the majority of humans say ‘no’ to one world governance, they said yes, making this tract of man accountable and liable for what follows for this and future generations. Think about that.

Maxims of law:
He who is silent appears to consent.
Ignorance of those things one is bound to know does not excuse.

All U.S. presidential candidates eventually take the same unavoidable road to party nomination

First, that every serious candidate, from both main political parties, is compelled to sign a contract not to prosecute the war criminal U.S. presidents who served before them. This stipulation is both non-negotiable and binding throughout their term, should they be elected.

Every U.S. President is actually recruited for their ability to sell American warmongering the world over. This type of salesmanship is, BY FAR, the single most important trait that a presidential nominee can possess.

Whose truth is it that RFK and Trump are both anti-war? Does that mean they are both pro world-peace?

Transforming the war machine into a forced peace keeping machine is false peace.

RFK/Trump combo

No other system of governance provides as much opportunity for external control of nations and mass deception of populations as the engineered multi-party electoral system.

Rulers care not what side you are on (Democrat/Republican, Liberal/Conservative] they only care that you pick a side b/c divisiveness make people easier to manipulate and control.

What if RFK joined Trump b/c their handlers plan the motherload of all psychological manipulations of a population … to get majority consent from voters to keep the beast system alive? Voting is never about the candidates b/c both main political party leaders are controlled by the same puppet master.


Aug 28.24

What truly sealed the deal for Kennedy was Trump’s vision of “starting a unity party” focused on four critical issues:

1. stopping endless wars,
Whose truth is it that RFK and Trump are anti-war? Does that mean they are now pro world-peace? Transforming the war machine into a forced peace keeping machine is false peace.

2. tackling the chronic disease epidemic,

3. securing the border, and

4. fighting censorship,

3 and 4: The planet is under military martial rule. Maxim of law: Amidst arms laws are silent. The only law is what occupier's choose. There is no law enforcement for the people from agencies regulated by government complicit in the occupation, so what safety is there in voting for more betrayal and tyranny?

Fictions of law

Incorporation, n. The act of uniting several persons into one fiction called a corporation, in order that they may be no longer responsible for their actions. A, B and C are a corporation. A robs, B steals and C (it is necessary there be one gentleman in the concern) cheats. It is a plundering, thieving, swindling corporation. But A, B and C, who have jointly determined and severally executed every crime of the corporation, are blameless. [Ambrose Bierce, 1885]

Fictions of law are a construct created by man. Fictions of law are not living entities yet these dead things have more rights than real man living souls. Fictions of law have no accountability and no liability, sowhy do real man living souls allow non living/dead things to rule over them?

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Beware September and ... (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.