Tucson Citizen from Tucson, Arizona (2024)

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Tucson, Arizona

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Southeastern' Radio Dial 29 Six lHomineesffn Still Must TRsrsPsy Ivsttlag July IMS a Illegal Entry Gases Involve Three Nations Nogales Grads Pick Colleges I I I NOGALES July Twenty-four of last May' 75 Nogales high school griduates art now completing preparations to ittend colleges snd training schools Thirteen of ths 24 will go to ths University of Arizona Joanna Von Schosler Beatrice Larrlva Laura Lopes Lillian Manaon Zslda Lsney Jocelyn Sykes Manuel Arlno Gene Peltier Oscar Islas Eddie Moraga George a Couple Wed In Douglas Rites NOGALES July With Aug the deadline nominating petitions for three Santa Crus county and three precinct offices must yet be filed PeUtlons in are those of Frazier for supervisor of district 1 Grover Mar teller for supervisor of dlstlct 2 Ruffo Espinosa for county attorney Lowe for sheriff Frank A Bennet for county treasurer Mrs Cora Everhard for county school superintendent Mary Bettwy for county recorder Dorothy Titcomb for clerk of superior court Pierre Baffert for county assessor Neilson Brown for state representaUve William A Anderson Sr and incumbent Fred Allen for Justice of peace In precinct 1 Oliver Rothrock fot Justice of peace in precinct 2 and Elmer Gatlin for constable In precinct 3 Since Frank Barry decision not to run again for county attorney the race for that Job is wide open As yet there is no official opposition to Espinosa county attorney previous to Berry Gilbert Soto has said he might oppose Gatlin for constable of precinct 3 After the Aug 3 deadline the Sept 12 primary In Santa Cruz county may prove more exciting than lt now appears NOGALES July 27 (V-Nogslss 8 Immigration official bllnksd thlr tyti this week whllt looking ovar alien reporta Two unusual caua here were noted and both Involved Illegal entry Into two or three different countries! One 8an Salvador' youth 14 lined Illegal entry Into Guatemala ezlco and the-United States He was apprehended here and taken to FI Paso Tex for processing before being returned to his home probably via New Orleans The boy swam over one river to gain entry Into Mexico While walk ing down a street he told local officers Mexico recruiters placed him In a truck and he served two months in the Mexican army Three Mexican citizens were re-turned to their homeland yesterday by Canadian Immigration escort officer Killam Klllam returned to his Vancouver home last night i The three were arrested In the northern country two weeks ago on Illegal entry charges A check In Nogales revealed they had also entered the Illegally No action is planned Willcox Nogales NOGALES July Bob Woc-nlckt city recreational director has installed the buddy system at the city pool No child is allowed in tha pool without a buddy At intervals buddies' must line up with each other along the aide of the pool for a check The system Is a Safety measure to prevent drownlngs The wall of lSinch blocks around the field in Memorial park has been completed at a cost of about 111000 Distances to the wall from home plate are 370 feet to left 390 feet to left-center 355 to center 375 to right-center and 340 to right The wall la 8 feet high park committeemen are now contemplating sodding the diamond and Installing lights Biggest summer' Improvement project at Nogales high school Is replacement of the wooden Venetian blinds with new steel ones Classroom floors 'desks and chairs are now receiving a new coat of varnish Nlcholsu Albert Roark and Roger Smith Albert Estrada and Bella Amado will matriculate at Tempe Norman Nlccoll at the University of Southern California the twins Roxanna and Susanna Joffroy at Holy Name college near San Francisco and Donald Haynes at Flagstaff Emma Wanless Noeml Gallegos and Ardell Miller will begin training at St hospital in September Evangeline Valenzuela and Lucy Godinez will enter St hospital In Phoenix Three of group have scholarships from the University of Arizona Laura Lopez an outstanding scholar at Nogales high won the American scholarship Apache basketball star Oscar Islas hopes land a berth on the of A squad Highly successful as a high school pitcher Eddie Morage plans to "fog them for the university nine PROXY NO GOOD PROVIDENCE I Mrs Agnes Hayden pushed hack seat driving too far when she appeared In court for her husband on a speeding charge He was without his license when arrested so she showed hers He still had to answer the charge and pay the fine Fete Sept 2 op ens Bridge By JESSIE MILLER BENSON July 27 Saturday Sept 2 la the date set for dedication of tha new bridge nearing completion over San Padro river' Juat east of Benian on highway SO Chamber President (Dick) Lopshlre has announced An allday affair will be held In cooperation with Tucson Willcox Blsbee Douglas Bowie and other chamber representatives Gov Dan Garvey will be invited to make a dedication speech Other political candidates will be asked to attend Fifteen-minute skUs will be staged by visiting chambers i A morning parade will start festivities The Tucson Legion drum and bugle corps Is expected to participate with the local high school band twirling squad and bands and marching groups from other towns i There will be a barbecue at $1 er plate Lyndon Hargrave and Mrs Syble Peake are chairmen of a banquet to be followed by dancing Further announcement from committee heads assisting with the affair will be made next week Dedication day will tie In and be the first of a three-day celebration here marking the 15th annual Labor day rodeo Sept 3 and 4 The rodeo will be sponsored by the local chamber Lopshlre stated which also will have charge of the parade It has not yet been disclosed whether the parade will be held on Sunday or Monday deputy Sheriff Clarence Post and Roy McGoffln have been named chairmen of the Labor day festivities They will announce committees soon! DOUGLAS July 27r7MUa Ofella Verdugo became the bride of Albert Varela Saturday Un rites at Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic church with Rev George Relnweller officiating She la the daughter of Mr and Mrs Rosario Verdugo 741 Fourth st and the bridegroom Is the son of Mr and Mrs Jesus Varela 325 Ninth st The bride wore an aqua blue suit with white accessories and carried a whlt carnation bouquet Mrs Felix Bogenshutz matron of honor chose a pink suit and navy blue accessories and also carried a bouquet of white carnations Dominic A Ira was best man Rafael Suarez sang Ave Marla with Jose Castellanos as organist A three-tiered wedding cake with a miniature bride and groom was cut at a reception in the Verdugo residence The bride graduated from Douglas high school this year and has been employed by the Lyric theater Her husband an employe of Powers store was graduated last year They will live at 951 Eighth st Benson Furniture Bedspreads Dlnnerware Ilonsewares Floor Coverings Lamps Curtains Slip Covers WILLCOX July Miss Eileen Williams arrived Sunday from San Diego to visit with her' parents Mr and Mrs Alva Williams and faihily She will return tomorrow Mr and Mrs Mellenbruch Mrs Briscoe and Miss Betty Craig went to Blsbee Sunday to at tend the wedding of Elva Beverly former Willcox resident Mr -and Mrs Leonard Rottman Snd family are In Ohio visiting with friends and relatives Mrs Ruth Gardner and Howard Hark arrived home late Tuesday evening from El Monte Calif where they attended the funeral of (heir motleer Mrs Fannie Clark Monday morning Mr and Mrs Herman Burkhead have moved from the Hatley ranch near Pearce to Willcox He Is employed here Mr end Mrs Albsrt Aatle of Pico Calif are parents of a born Juty She la named Deborah Ann Mrs Astle la ths for mer Hasel Fern Hart of Willcox A cloudburst turned ths strssts of Willcox Into young rivers about 430 pm Tuesday Almost half an Inch-fell In 15 mlnutee The storm svtept on down ths valley' leaving an unusual brilliant rainbow and high temperatures for ths rest of th evening Mr and Mrs Bruce Huffman iMra Maude Kenneaster of Fresno Calif and Mr and Mrs A ISplkes of Bowie accompanied the Nicholsons to northerd Arizona for a vacation A large group of men connected with El Paso Gas Co were sent to the Buckeye-Casa Grande vicinity the latter part of last week The men were part of the construction crew and had their families with them BENSON July Mrs Russell Moors returned home yesterday after a flvs-wesk absence Visits In Mansfield Ohio her former home were with her mother her son-in-law snd daughter Mr and Mrs George Ruilska and their two amall sona and with other relatives land friends Fourteen Our Lady of Lourdea choir glrla and boys enjoyed a wlm and wiener roast at Mule mountain ranch near Blsbee Tuesday afternoon The young people were accompanied by Rev John Doran snd Lupe Salazar THE EXQUISITE DEAUTY OF MORE EXPENSIVE PATTERNS LADY BALTIMORE 95 Hotel Plans Enlargement NOGALES July Aug 1 the 10-story Fray Marcos de Nlsa hotel In Nogales Sonora will bs a month old and already ths Sky room thers Is proving too small according to Mgr Roberto Calderon Ths ninth floor room la an ornamental place to dine and dance to a rhythmlo nine-piece Mexican orchestra Presently lta capacity la 150 people Tha management plana to enlarge It to entertain about 400 Plans call for tearing out tha esat wall to utilise what la now ths patio It will be endozed with about 10 glass panels to provide diners a panoramic view of Ambos Nogales The kitchen also will be enlarged to Include service -bar The present bar with Its soft blue colors will be lengthened by some 10 feet The Sky room Is being enlarged specially to accommodate more people on the popular weekly Mexican night Then the accent Is on Mexican food fcefved by waiters In Indian dress Diners are encouraged to wear native dress Every evening however there la music and dancing and dinners are served from 7 pm to 3 am Two floor shows are presehted nightly at 9:30 and 11:30 i Calderon said -the coffee shop on the mezzanine how closed will be ready for use by September Los STARTER SET Beautifully decorated ware Sn a handsome formal pattern that will add beauty to any room Colorful border combines light blue maroon and gray tones See It at Sears Buy nowl Radio Boosts Douglas Area DOUGLAS July climate and friendliness hava been plugged over the Canadian radio It nis been learned here Mias Jane Weston radio mentator visited hers earlier1 this year and has been grinding out en thusiastio copy about thla area for the Canadian Broadcasting Corp lt la reported I She spoke of the warm welcome ahe received when she disembarked from the plane had more good friends In one day in this desert town than I had ever believed possible anywhere he asserted "I think of the friendliest town In the world and the sun-hlest town In the world for all the time I was there the sun beamed and- the air fairly sparkled tot we were almost a mile high above the sea the reason it's so healthy and why you find people from all over this continent who had come to make their home In Douglas for the Miss Weston described the rodeo season scene here with Douglasltes dressed up as vigilantes and sporting western garb In another talk she traced the history of the town discussed the mineral resources and added more comment about the weather "The day was simply she said was pure golden SNunshlne -not blisteringly hot Just lovely and the weather stayed that way alLthe time I was there and so far as lcould find out it just goes on being lovely i 1 they call their rainy season comes In July br August I believe and after that not only the little gardens near the houses but even the desert itself breaks mat in bloom There none of the dampness that makes our 'hot weather so hard to bear I soon learned that Douglas was right In the southeast corner of Arizona In a county called Cochise which am cording to the Cochlserz la i the finest spot in Arizona on earth In fact And from what I saw ths 10 days I was there willing to admit If sunshine and friendliness make a district what lt Is then lt really Is tops" 1 Douglas Mr and Mrs Manuel Salazar Angeles Calif are parents of a son born at 4:43 am July 21 Paul Blanco maternal grandfather returned here Friday after visiting in his home the past five weeks Mrs Tony Lopez sister of Mrs Salazar and little daughter Helen will return to their hoyne here this week end after being in Los Angeles the past six weeks Mrs Lydia Eklund arrived recently from Bruce and will spend the rest of the summer and possibly longer with her son-in-law and daughter Mr and Mrs Maurice Alderman Mrs Louis Towle and son Bobby were Tucson visitors Tuesday Bobby remained for a two-veek visit and will alternate his time between his grandmothers Mrs Cora Towle and Mrs Robinson! Mr and Mrs Louis Heilwlg Jr Seattle Wash' are parents of a son born July 25 The Infant weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces This Is their third son Mrs Winifred Heilwlg Benson Is paternal grandmother Mr and Mrs Victor Ridenour and children Vicky Darlene and Oscar returned home Sunday after a two-week visit with his parents Mr and Mrs Ridenour Lakeside Calif A visit also was with two brothers there TC Border Patrolman and Mrs Al DeWltt and sons Ben and Jeff returned to their home hers yesterday after a month In El Paso Tex where Mr DeWltt was on detail duty Their eldest son Jimmy remained In El Paso with his grand mother for a longer visit Colorful' (harm Sets la Choice of 2 Smart Colors 18 Piece Set 1 08 Smart aqaare style adds a modern tooch to laacheoas or Backs lias 4 each: caps aaa cert trait dishes pistes Cheery Dinneryare Dellghtfal Bias Willow Design U-pe Set 1 805 Deep vivid Maes ea whits highly glased for long service Select yoag set! 'Funeral services for Lt Lynn Camp will be held at 10 son tomorrow In the Willcox First Meth- odist -church Lt Camp died Tuesday evening as a result of injuries received July 5 when his automobile went off the Clenega wash bridge between Benson apd Tucson SM Pair Recently Wed At Bisbee DOUGLAS ii July Mr and Urs Baxter 1359 12th at avt announced the recent mar rlage of their daughter Miss Jean Reeves to Mllburn Latimer for-loner Douglaslte and son of Mr snd Mrs Latimer Killeen Tex I The ceremony wae performed by Rev Hubert Vert-ill at the Flrat Baptist church Bisbee The newly- weds left for a short trip to Tucson and Nogales before re-1 turning here They plana to live In Killeen i The bride wae graduated from Douglas high school In Junt Her husband recently received his dls-chsrgs front tjie navy He was graduated from Douglas high school in 1947 Mr Latimer will be In the construction business In Killeen I A ehower waa held at tha Baxter Home Thursday by Misa Virginia Cole The table was decorated with canopy of pink and white stream-rs and had a cake In the center decorated in pink snd whits and reading -With Best Wishes to Jean and Mlbs" Contests wera won by Mmes Harry Schetter and Col I Presept were Mmea Cole tr Bloodworth Tlfinan Lambert Roy and J- Latimer Ruth Ellen Benson Jim- Ritter Lloyd McRae and Harold Crump Misses 'Mary Louise Morris Gerry Andrews Shirley Barbara and Marilyn Moore Pat Hayhurst Dorothy Bailey Cherl Wlnklehaua Lessle Wright Sharon McRae Virginia Cole the honoree and her mother Funeral Held For 9 I Bisbee Resident Harmony Housc 'Poach Blossom DINNERWARE' 675 20-PIECE STARTER SET Mr and Mrs Alton LeBoue: daughters Shirley Ann and Joan New Iberia La arrived today for a visit with Mr and Mrs Roy Miller Mrs LeBouef la a niece of Mra Miller En route a atop was with Mr and Mrs Jack Moss Dcm-Ing Returning by way of Grand Canyon tha family will visit Mr and Mra 0 McAlister Del-hart Tex The women also are aunts of Mrs LeBouef 'Tombstone DOUGLAS July 27 Square dancing lessons for Elks club members and wives are scheduled for 7:30 tonight at the lodge hall Eight summer recreation softball teams are slated for action tomorrow Senior league competition has the Midgets against the Red Sox team and the Crusaders against the Giants- In the junior loop the Pirates are to meet -the Indios with the Phantoms taking on the Dodgers The Leo Foster Supply Co 550 Ninth st has begun staying open until 9 pm Mr and Mrs Gerald Keyes and son Phillip former Douglasltes now living In Phoenix left here yesterday following a two-day visit Charles I Lewis has returned here from a tour of duty aa a Latter-Day Salnta missionary in Australia Two representatives of the Douglas YMCA have returned from the Tucson YMCA camp They are Dickie son of Mr and Mrs Salvador Necoechea and Julian son of Mr and Mrs Clarke Smith j- i i Jasper Steele Cochise council Boy Scout executive has returned here following a two-week vacation He and his wife and' two children Nancy and Nelson went to Morgantown Va Before the vacation Steele attended the national Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge Ga Instruction In ballet and acrobatic dancing Is scheduled from 4 to 5 pan tomorrow In the Douglas school gymnasium with Mrs Irma Bond In charge The teaching la part of the summer recreation program Company national guard members will go as a unit to give blood to the Red Cross bank next week officers have announced Former Douglas Pastor Is Dead DOUGLAS' July 27 Her-bert Hays former pastor of the First Presbyterian church here died recently at San Fernando Calif it haa been learned Mr Hays was pastor here from November 1928 to July 1934 He was Arizona synod moderator In 1933 Before retiring because of ill health Mr Hays Was pastor of the community church at New hall Calif Later he remained active In church affairs and had charge of prayer meetings and Bible classes at the First Presbyterian church in San Fernanda The meeting place of his Bible class waa named in his honor The exquisite thinness of dlnnerware patterns costing mqch more the rich decorations created by skilled artists Choose Sears exduslva Peach Blojsom design for delightful dining -A 35-pc Set-Service for 6 1275 Grooved Tumblers la Sparkling Forest Green Priced At Jast 6ea Jast imagine! Jast 5c each for mart grooved tamblen la ever ao aew Forest Greea glass Large 9-oz size A bay! Pilsner Glasses Ckystal-Clesr Bud Blown 10 oz Size 24 Ideal for refreshment treats' Traditional footed style 94a talL Select a set when yoa hop at Sean mad save! i BISBEE July Funeral services will be held for Mrs Ernestine Rodrluez 30 at 4 pm todat In Sacred Heart church Rsv Francisco Ramos will officiate i Survivors Include her huibsnd Juan three daughters Olga De-lores and Rqse a ion Juan Jr and three alsters Mrs Jesus Ga-mino Mrs Poll Castellano and Mrs Rule Rosary was said at the home Tuesday evening and requiem mass was held this morning 1 Interment will be at Evergreen cemetery with Dugan Hennessey mortuary in charge Youthful Ballplayer Fractures His Wrist i BISBEE July- Director Jack Miller of the baseball league reported the first accident In five years Tuesday afternoon when Kenneth Green 14 fractured his wrist after running Into the fence at Warren bah park Members of the Bisbee-Douglas Copper Kings have been helping the youngsters each afternoon when the team la home 53-pc Set-Service for 8 1 11995 TOMBSTONE July 27 The Business Professional club will hold a watermelon bust at 7 tonight In Community park Proceeds will go to the hospital fund The Tombstone baseball club will play the Blsbee Cullver-Lottie team on the local diamond at 8 pan tomorrow Sunday the team will journey to Douglas to play the Douglas-Agua Prieta Internationals at' 2 pan The team won its last two games winning from Patagonia Friday 7 to 6 and Sunday taking a game at Superior 10 to 8 The Tombstone All-Stars have done well this season playing all comers- In the semiprofessional data They have a record of 12 wins and 4 losses CMMMM Plans have been announced for the wedding of Thomas Walker and Lois Kreck of Tucson It win take place In SC Episcopal church' at 5 pan Sunday New arrivals art Mrs Marcacel and daughter Lena SawyerviUe Ills Mrs Marcacd afflicted with arthritis is taking in ultra-violet ray sunshine at rest court 320 Maid of Boaor Benson Seaman Going To Far East Command 'BENSON July Edward Lee Western -17 seaman apprentice USX son of Mr and Mrs A Western Benson phoned bis family Sfcnday night was shipping Immediately to a far eastern command Western entered naval service Apr 10 He recently completed recruit training at the naval center San Diego Calif and had Just returned there following a furlough here Prior to entering the navy he attended Benson union nigh school and was employed by 'the Benson feed store i Ice Cresm Freezer SQurt 1105 Enjoy heme-mad les ersaas often Make It easily la a east metal frame covered freezer tinned Inner can wood tabs Ca twu 30 Corragated sides for extra strength Easy fertp riveted head lea Saag fitUag cover keeps rodeats oat garbage in! Sled Step-cn ten lqt Capiclt CrtJ A real kitchea kelper! Flanged porcelain eaameied insert pall catches all food particles 84-leaf closing lid Rites Conducted Retired Businessman DOUGLAS July 27 Funeral rites for JLynn palmer retired businessman who died Monday were conducted at 11 a on yesterday lp St Episcopal church with Rev Raymond A Kurts officiating Graveside rites were held today a Tempe Pallbearers ere were I Ward Reay Elcks A Joss Walker and Edwards a Smooth top aecarely fastened to stroag wood naderstractare Steel rods for extra sapport X2x45-tn top 224a high a ppnnf Uotueteere Basem*ns Floor pxp kczc? (sez o'mwj jv At 1 fr.

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Tucson Citizen from Tucson, Arizona (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6256

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.